Sunday, January 31, 2010

Let's get real!

It's not too late for a New Year's resolution is it?
Instead of half arsing 2 blogs I think it's time I get realistic and merge my personal blog and my Bits & Bubs blog.
Who was I kidding? Lately I havn't had time to post regularly on 1 blog let alone 2!
So here is the plan; a new look blog with a new banner, regular posting, regular store updates, and of course I will have to celebrate my new found organisation and commitment (ahem) with a competition once the new look has been completed. So, what do you think?
Hopefully my laptop will be back in my very eager hands soon so I can get moving (she has taken a trip to the computer doctor as she refuses to open for me, and of course I keep meaning to back up but...)!

delicious image via weheartit

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