Heather Bailey's Studio. image here
1. When I walk into a fabric store I get so excited, my heart starts to race, and I can never remember why or what I am there for- even if I have a list. (Now if you are not a fabric stasher or sewer/crafter you will think "OMG, get a life!" but I assure you I am not alone on this!)
2. I buy fabric I never intend to use because it is pretty or I just have to have it
Image via Anna Maria Horner here
3. I like to rearrange and refold my fabric so they are coordinated into categories like colours, prints, floral's, vintage, by designer etc
4. ...and I very rarely put them back in the right spot
image by Jenny B Allsorts here5. I love to look at my neatly folded fabric stashes- they make me smile
6. I love to look at pics of other peoples fabric stashes and how they organise them
image via Creative Little Daisy here7. I do not throw out any fabric- I have a massive bag of scraps that is growing and growing- why would I throw them out? There are buttons that can be covered, appliques sewed, yo-yos made...
8. I can not even throw out fabric I no longer even like!
image via Spring Chick here
9. I buy fabric for a purpose but never get around to making it or only half finish it...then buy more fabric for something else I plan making but inevitably never do.
10. I buy fabric because it is pretty... I buy fabric just because...